How to create or edit a SALES PROPOSAL?
The sales proposal (SP) is the second step in the operation process. After a customer sends you an RFQ, you will receive a notification with Customer request and full shipment details, so you can quote the best price manually (that's if your customer has not already confirmed the RFQ on the customer portal).
Create a new columns template using the column picket tool
How to cancel a customer shipment (CS) *This operation requires company admin permission
How to send data and documents to Enfopack
How to view all CS documents in one go
How to handle HBL in Freightools - which fields populate the printout and how to change HBL type (draft/original/waybill)
Automatic service - container autofill in Freightools
Creating new seaport in Freightools
How to use the available parameters in an Email template in Freightools
How to combine number of CS's into 1 SO
How to issue credit invoice in Freightools
How to automatically copy data elements from SO to other SO's on the same vessel/voyage
Deleting report templates in Freightools
How to set up tags in Freightools