How to edit or create BUYING AGREEMENTS?

In FAST, you can create buying and selling agreement activities to be later on called from different entities in the FAST system (For example: when creating an SP, you can set a price for single activity to reduce mistakes)



2. Click on NEW AGREEMENT ACTIVITY or click on EDIT  from the list below

3. Select the SUPPLIER of the agreement from the dropdown list 

4. Select one of 2 options in the TYPE dropdown list and follow the instructions:

    a. FREIGHT (Agreements with Freight type are used to describe a service that takes place between 2 logical addresses)

          I. Select FREIGHT TYPE from the dropdown list

          II. Select ADDRESS TYPE FROM from the dropdown list

          III. Select ADDRESS TYPE TO from the dropdown list

          IV. Select in ADDRESS FROM or ADDRESS TO one of the options (COUNTRY, STATE, GEO AREA  or ADDRESS) you wish to define the collection or supply area.

           V. According to your above selection, select the FROM and TO locations on which this agreement should work:

               - For COUNTRY - choose the County FROM and County TO from the drop-down list 

               - For STATE - choose the State FROM and State TO from the drop-down list 

               - For GEO AREA - choose the Geo Area FROM and Geo Area TO from the drop-down list 

               - For ADDRESS - choose the Address FROM and Address TO from the drop-down list 

          Tip: You can mix between types of addresses like Sea Port Address to All Sea Ports in another country

     b. ADDRESS (Agreements with Address type are used to describe a service that takes place between 2 logical addresses)

         I. Select ADDRESS TYPE from the dropdown list

         II. Select in  ADDRESS AT TYPE one of the options from (COUNTRY, STATE, GEO AREA  or ADDRESS) you want to define the collection or supply area

         III. According to your above selection, select the AT locations on which this agreement should work:

               - For COUNTRY - choose the County AT from the drop-down list 

               - For STATE - choose the State AT from the drop-down list 

               - For GEO AREA - choose the AT from the drop-down list 

               - For ADDRESS - choose the Address AT from the drop-down list 

         Tip: You can mix between types of addresses like Sea Port Address to All Sea Ports in another country

5. Select activity from the dropdown list and click on LOAD ACTIVITY

6. If you wish to add another price detail to the agreement, choose it from the dropdown list and click on ADD CONDITION to the agreement activity

7. to edit a price detail related to the agreement, choose another from the dropdown list under PRICE DETAIL

8. Choose the EVALUATION type from the drop-down list *

9. Insert the CURRENCY and PRICE for each price detail

10. When finished, click on SAVE CHANGES


For an explanation about tiers use the following article: