This feature gives you the full schedule of the Vessel positioning and real-time tracking.
How it works:
The system is looking for vessels and NOT containers.
The system refers only to the SO stage that is greater than status “PICK UP”, and SO stage that is less than status “ARRIVAL”. It must have an “Equipment ID” (need to choose a vessel from FAST LIST).
In the event of Transshipment, the system will look for transshipment with a date that did not start yet (les than today, meaning from yesterday and before). If the ETD date in the transshipment passed, the system search will move to the level of the transshipment vessel.
Through our integration with other 3rd party tools we will locate the vessel position and save the position (this event happens every four hours). If in the last four hours there was no position change, the system will run again the search in four hours, if the system found a new vessel position it will read the data again in the next hour.
If the AUTO UPDATE check box is marked in the management subsystem, we have 2 outcomes:
1. If the SO stage is in “Cut Off” status, the system will look when the vessel arrived at the POD and when the vessel left the POD. If so, the system will update status as “Departure” and update the “Actual date”.
2. When the vessel is on the way to “Master To”, and the SO is in status “Departure”, the system will look if the vessel entered the Port radius of 5 km from the Master to address.
In order to receive updates for the vessel tracking the conditions below must be met:
1. SO stage – must be set to AFTER status “PICK UP”.
2. SO stage – set to BEFORE status “ARRIVAL”.
3. Must have “Equipment ID” (need to choose a vessel from SystemLIST).
4. Transshipment - the system will look for transshipment with a date that did not start yet, If the ETD date in the transshipment passed, the system search will move to the level of the transshipment vessel.