Freightools enables its customers to view container position at real time.

Here is a brief description how the system works, and what are the required parameters to enable this feature return results:

The following parameters will be validated in order to return data:

1. SO status is NOT "Archived"

2. SO stage is NOT "Delivered"

3. The SO has a valid container number in the goods tab under ID NUMBER.

4. SO service type is "Ocean"

5. SO has creation date OR ETD within the last 3 month.

6. SO ETD has value

7. SO carrier or system carrier has value.

The program will run every few minutes over the SO's that meet the above requirements.  Every SO that did not have a reading in the past 12 hours will be checked and input will be automatically visible in the container movements.

The system will also pull details on MBL level.  To perform this, the following checks are performed:

1. SO MBL field has value

2. Service mix is "Ocean FCL"

3. Goods amount is equal or greater than 1.